Sunday, July 3, 2005

Registering for the Baby Shower (7-3-05)…

Since asking Nichole to put on the baby shower before Zoe’s birth, I knew that I would need to register as soon as possible. Though I knew that it was not his favorite thing, David said that he would go with me to Target to register. I was very grateful for his company. David and I spent about 2 hours in Target and I feel that I accomplished a good portion of the task. It was a lot easier to do knowing that Zoe seems to be doing fairly well at the time. I don’t think I would have been able to emotionally handle it if she currently seemed to be going downhill. I actually was able to feel comfortable registering for items like onesies and videos that she wouldn’t be using until she is over 6 months old. I went through the bottle section and felt absolutely clueless. I know that I need to register for bottles and for breastfeeding supplies but I have absolutely no idea of what I need. I think that I will ask if someone can go back with me later this week to make sure I am doing all of this right.

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