Thursday, July 28, 2005

Finalizing Josiah’s Adoption (7-28-05)…

Earlier last week, Justin and Sandy Ullom asked if David and I would want to join them at Josiah’s adoption finalization in Indianapolis. David and I felt honored to attend the event with them. What an exciting day for their family!

Justin and Sandy picked us up at about 8:30am and we drove to Indy with them. When we arrived at the courthouse, Sandy’s brother, wife and 5 kids were there as well as an old friend from Taylor that David and I actually knew as well. April, Sandy’s sister-in-law, had twin girls about 2 months ago, and seemed to be attuned to what David and I were going through. Ironically, she and her husband were at Dr. Landwehr’s office after I came out from having the amniocentesis. I didn’t talk with them much that day because I wasn’t feeling well after the amnio and was actually about on the verge of tears. April said that she wanted to call me after seeing me that day but she just hadn’t gotten around to it. I imagine her life has been very busy since having the twins.

We spent just a little while talking to the family and then proceeded upstairs with Justin and Sandy to the 17th floor where the courtroom for the adoption hearing was. Justin said that Thursdays are the day for adoptions and the only day of the week that the judges actually look forward to coming to work. We spent just a little time waiting for the hearing to begin. By the time we were ready to start, about twenty of Justin and Sandy’s friends and family were gathered to support them. Joey would have no recollection of this day since he is only 2 months old but I think he will nonetheless understand the importance of the day.

The proceedings were very quick. The process was probably less than 10 minutes from start to finish. It was cute that the judge had Winnie the Pooh things sitting in front of him during the hearing. Basically, the attorney asked Justin about 20 questions at the stand and then Sandy took the stand and said that she would answer the questions the same way that Justin answered them. At the end, Justin and Sandy were officially declared Josiah’s parents and it was announced that his name is officially Josiah Michael Ullom. I wanted to clap in excitement but it didn’t seem like the most appropriate thing to do at that time. After the hearing concluded, we were allowed to take pictures of the judge holding Josiah with Justin and Sandy standing by him.

Justin, Sandy, Jackson, Josiah, David and I went to eat at Basbeaux Pizza to celebrate after we were finished. It is somewhat ironic that Justin, Sandy, David and I ate at that same restaurant almost 3 years ago just after Justin and Sandy had moved back into Muncie from Oklahoma. We barely knew them at that time and now they are some of our best friends. That was before kids, before infertility, and before our current craziness.

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