Saturday, July 16, 2005

Email Update to Friends

Hello Friends-

We had an interesting appointment on Wednesday. First of all, Zoe seems to be doing well. Her heart rate remains at around 150bpm which is encouraging. She continues to be in the breech position which means that the movements i feel in my ribs are her hands. She was moving like crazy during the ultrasound. Other than those details, I have little to report about Zoe from the ultrasound unfortunately.

When we arrived at the appointment on Wednesday, our tech asked if it would be okay if they tried out a new machine on us and she informed me that there would be an additional General Electric representative (for the new machine) in the room with us. Our tech told us that the GE person used to be an ultrasound tech as well. I didn't see a problem with it, thinking that maybe we would get to see some clearer images or find out more about Zoe. So, I agreed to the new machine. The other room was filled anyways because they had accidentally double booked. When we started the ultrasound, there were 7 people in the small room, 8 if you count Zoe. Most of them, besides David and I were more concerned about the new machine than they were about us at that time. The GE person was taking over the appointment trying to sell the machine to our tech. David even asked a couple of questions that were totally ignored. Well, it didn't take long until the amount of people, the stress, and lying on my back for so long, began to get to me. I told our tech I was feeling light-headed so she suggested I lay on my side. I laid there for a few minutes while they told us very little about Zoe and I still wasn't feeling much better. They suggested that I turn back on my back and they would raise the head of the bed a little thinking that would help. Shortly after that, I thought I was going to puke and then the room when black. They laid me on my left side, put wash cloths on my neck and head and within a few minutes I was feeling a lot better. My blood pressure was down to 80/40. They stopped the ultrasound and our nurse and another nurse were the only ones with us now. I think it was pretty clear that the situation was not the best for us. I was really disappointed that we didn't find out more about how she was doing. We are rescheduled for next Thursday, and our doctor will definitely be there this time. He had been called away for emergency procedures on Wednesday, so he was never in the room with us. So, it was a slightly dramatic day and one that we hope not to repeat. However, Zoe seems to still be doing well and we are extremely grateful for that.

On another note...we have begun preparing for Zoe to come home from the hospital. I realize that we have no guarantees that she will be able to, but I want to believe that she will. Last week, I scored on a rummage sale with lots of like-new girl clothes and over the last couple of days, I began painting the nursery.

Thank you again for your prayers and for spending the time reading these updates and investing in our lives and the life of Zoe. Though she is incredibly precious to us, we sense that she is also precious to you and we are extremely grateful for that.

Thank you again,

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