Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Recently, Al offered to purchase a bunk bed for the boys. Judah won't have the opportunity to use it for another year and he really doesn't understand what is happening to his bedroom, but Jonah asks us almost everyday when his bunk bed is coming. He is so excited that he has even asked me if we could go to the store and help them build it. This is a great exercise in patience however, because even though his cousins got theirs two weeks ago, I have a feeling that ours may not arrive for another couple of weeks.

Since learning that we would be getting the bunk bed, I have been thinking about how it is time to begin changing the nursery into a little boys' room. It was almost 5 years ago that I began changing the room from a guest room into a nursery. I had dreamt about how to decorate the nursery when I was pregnant with Zoe and I agonized over what to do after we found out her diagnoses. After some encouraging doctor's appointments, I decided that I would move forward with the decorating. The action of painting the nursery demonstrated my hope, however, I believe that my choice of a neutral color may have demonstrated my hesitation to believe. I never really knew if the nursery would be used by my little girl... While I was painting, David and I decided that we would paint Zoe's name on the wall. We wrote it in Greek and in English. Her name was always so beautiful to me and I love saying it and writing it as often as I can.
While painting the room last week, David reminded me that we should let the boys "paint" their names on the walls. Jonah took a few strokes while Judah tried to lick the paintbrush. I ended up writing the names of course. Jonah wanted to paint much more than he was able but fortunately, daddy found lots of big boy projects to keep him busy while I did the painting. He was so excited to see his new blue room, even if the bunk bed isn't in it. Judah...well, I think he knows something is different, but I am not really sure he cares!

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