Sunday, December 6, 2009

Birthday Celebration!

I love times when I can escape back to the computer for a few minutes. I especially love it when I have the opportunity to do so when David is entertaining the boys in the other room. I can hear every word and sound but I am out of sight and so they are fully content without mommy for a few minutes. I adore hearing the boys laugh with each other. A few times, Jonah must have even been tickling David because he was letting out the laugh that he laughs only when he is being tickled. It is pretty funny. I keep hearing loud thumps but I will trust that Jonah is safe as he is jumping off of whatever it is that David is allowing. It is really quite loud but I haven't heard any tears yet, so it must be okay?!? Ah, now they are reading books and David and Jonah are attempting to say Spanish words. What a great daddy! I love these moments when I can just sit here and enjoy the ways my boys interact with each other.

I can hardly believe how quickly Jonah and Judah are changing. Judah will be turning 1 on December 11th and we actually celebrated his birthday this weekend. He was so great watching him dig into his cake. He was not a bit shy about it. I recall Jonah sort of picking at his cake but Judah...he picked up the entire piece and I believe that he was trying to figure out how to get the entire thing in his mouth but it just wouldn't fit. I am sure that he would have eaten more had I given him a second serving. I feel that with yesterday came a new level of walking for him as well. Judah seemed quite confident in his new skill and seemed to want to prove it by walking with items in his hand, like Jonah's guitar and Jonah's drum stool. Not just little items but ones that could easily topple him over. He is becoming more and more stable nonetheless and soon I know that his walk will become a run.

Wow, the thumping is back and it is louder than ever. I believe David is still reading books and that Jonah, being a three year old, no longer can maintain his focus. He is jumping off of his bed... Such is my life with boys!


  1. Judah,
    Happy 1st Birthday! Too bad you and Eli dont live closer together, you two would have fun.

    Aunt Sheree
