Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Joy...

This Christmas had to be one of the best we have experienced as a family. David and I are incredibly happy together. We adore our boys. And we have healed more and more from the pain life has brought us. I am so grateful for my family. As I decorate for Christmas, I am keenly aware that there are two stocking missing from under the tree, but in the same thought, I am grateful for the two that are there that I thought were not possible. Jonah and Judah are such sweethearts. Judah loves to be near me and Jonah is so expressive. He acts so surprised at the smallest things.

David and I got the biggest joy out of seeing Jonah open his gift this Christmas. He thought that Judah's baby drum set was the coolest...that is, until he saw the junior drum set that he got. He calls it his "Tom Drum Set" because Tom is the drummer at church that provided a drum lesson for his birthday. David and I have gotten concerts regularly and at this point, we are still surviving them. He typically assigns David to the guitar, Judah to the piano, and mommy to vocals. David and I are such suckers...last night we actually rearranged some of the furniture in our living room in order to find the perfect spot for the drum set. Of course we want everything to be just right so as to not impede in the training of our little drummer boy.

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