Sunday, September 6, 2009

Zoe meets Zoe

David and I have had two wonderful days spending time with Eric, Martha and Zoe Beth and Tanya. We have spent time laughing, playing indoor and outdoor games, watching movies, and of course feeding our faces. One of the most special things we did was taking Zoe Beth to the cemetery to "introduce her" to her namesake...our Zoe Dawn. When we arrived, Jonah got out and kissed the "O" and proceeded to ask Tanya and then Martha to kiss Zoe's "O" as well. David and I thought this would be a good time to remind Jonah of the differences between his sister Zoe and Eric and Martha's daughter, Zoe. I think he might be getting it a bit more. At the end of our visit with Zoe, we spent time praying for Zoe Beth while expressing thanks for Zoe Dawn. It was precious to hear my 2 1/2 year old pray that "Zoe would have a great day at her grave". The entire time was special knowing that Zoe was and is an important person to each of the people who sat there praying around her grave. I love you Zoe and I can hardly believe that in just one week you would have been 4.

1 comment:

  1. I continue to be inspired by the strength you (and David) have. Thanks for sharing (and continuing to share) your journey.
