Sunday, May 24, 2009

Birthday Celebration!

So, David tells me that I am officially one year away from the median age. I am resisting referring to myself as middle-aged but I guess it's approaching...or here. I know, I is a state of mind. Nonetheless, on May 23rd, I turned 35 and so did my buddy, Jim Marker. Oh, and my little friend Joey turned 4! Since we had prior arrangements for May 23rd. David did a great job of making Friday, May 22nd and much of the 23rd an extended celebration. Sometimes I am still like a little kid in the sense that I really enjoy special treatment on my actual birthday. However, I must say that the extended celebration might be the way to go!
Throughout Friday, the boys gave me things that I love (IE. almond M&Ms, dry roasted almonds, beautiful miniature sunflowers) as well as doing random things on my to do list....that was a very special treat. On Friday night, David fixed me my birthday dinner, a tradition that we started after we got married. I LOVE that tradition and I honestly wouldn't care if he made me PB&J but that meal is actually always wonderful. It is always adorable how he puts forth extra effort into the presentation of the meal. After the meal, David took me shopping. He was my personal shopping attendant through the entire experience. I really dislike shopping but this was quite nice and I walked away with some great deals.
Saturday morning, the day got started off with a breakfast picnic in bed with all of my boys. They were absolutely adorable walking into the room singing "Happy Birthday" to me. It is so fun that Jonah actually knows the words and gets a kick out of singing. Judah was silent but smiley and adorable nonetheless! After breakfast, we all took a walk throughout the neighborhood using my coolest birthday present, a double jogger stroller. I am certain that it will get good use!
On Saturday afternoon, we headed to Hartford City for our "previous arrangements" which happened to be the annual Hartford City Mud Run. David grew up in Hartford City, a small town (actually large compared to the town in which I grew up) just north of Muncie. Over the past several years, one of David's best friends from High School, hosts this event at her parents house for some of her friends that still live in the area. Susan now lives in NC so it is a great opportunity to stay connected to people up north. Unfortunately, this is the final year for the Mud Run weekend since Susan's parents are moving to NC. Three of the pictures in this post are from the Mud Run. People (some dressed very strange) run a two mile course through a field and a creek...hence the name "Mud Run". Though I did not participate, David, his dad, his brother, our sister-in-law and our 7 yr old nephew all ran. The day is full of other activities in which you accumulate points in hopes of claiming the most points to become the Mud Run weekend champion. One of the pictures is of the "Torch Run" which took place in the evening to symbolize the final Mud Run weekend. Several runners loaded up and headed to Upland (which is 7 miles away) and they each took a 1 mile stretch handing off the torch until they ended up back in Susan's housing division. Susan's parents carried the torch the remainder of the run through fireworks at the end of their driveway. It was actually quite cool and a bit sentimental. Jonah actually got to carry the torch for a few feet at one point. He obviously thought this was something!
David had purchased a very large cake from an amazing local bakery, however, he forgot to bring it to the Mud Run. Though he felt bad, I really didn't mind....however we have had quite our share of cake to eat! Fortunately, my parents visited today and have helped us with it!!! It has been a wonderful birthday weekend. I have almost forgotten that I am 35=)


  1. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 35 is still very young
    Aunt Penny

  2. Happy Birthday Christina! I'm only a couple days late. :) What a great way to spend the weekend though! Your guys love you so much!!
