Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back to it...

I am finally getting back to it. Sometimes we have to take breaks from processing. Sometimes it just gets too overwhelming and we have to let our minds rest. I think I have been doing this for a while regarding Zoe but thinking about Shannon's kids (which you can read about two posts ago) how got me processing Zoe again whether I was ready of not. I know that shortly after I started this blog, I told myself that I would have my entire journal of my life with Zoe posted before her next birthday. Her 4th birthday is quickly approaching and I have many, many more pages to post. So, I am home alone with a couple of hours of silence before I begin seeing client. I am jumping back in......

1 comment:

  1. Chris,
    I have tears streaming down my face right now. I had visited your blog for awhile before I discovered your 2005 entries. I have read through them one bit at a time as my heart could handle. I wanted you to know that I am glad that you are being able to process a little more of your life with Zoe. I can only try to imagine all of the pain that wells up, but please know that while I may never know what to say, that I am always here loving you and your baby girl. You are an amazing wife, mom, and friend! I love you bunches!

