Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lions and Tigers and Monkeys and Bowling Balls

What a fun couple of days we had with my parents! They came to visit on Thursday and left Saturday and we hardly stopped moving the entire time. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera when we challenged ourselves to bumper bowling and visited the amazing Muncie farmer's market and cheered David on during his softball tournament. However, I did manage to remember my camera for our trip to the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo. What a great, kid friendly zoo! Jonah had such a good time and has been asking about returning ever since we left. Judah...well he slept and smiled at people as they walked by. The animals didn't really have that much appeal for him...this time.

The drums were definitely one of Jonah's favorite things at the Zoo. If you were to ask him, he would have said that his favorite thing was brushing the goats. However, nothing held his attention like the drums did. He could have played them for hours.
Buckaw and Jonah enjoyed riding the safari sky ride through the park. Fortunately, I think Jonah was stunned just enough to keep him from trying to stand up....maybe that is what kept Buckaw seated as well.
Jonah and Memaw rode the carousel. Even though Jonah wanted to sit on an Orangutan, he had to settle for the Giant Panda. He didn't seem to mind....

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