Monday, June 15, 2009

Back Home Again in Indiana

I feel as if we have spent a lot of time in the car over the past two days...maybe that is because we have. I continue to be amazed at how well the boys did with so much driving. I also continue to be amazed with how much of a help the car DVD player was. Jonah was seriously making David and I laugh so hard on the way home. Jonah quickly learned how to pause the DVD player...but that is not all. Often, when David and I would be talking, Jonah would pause the DVD and say "daddy, were you talking?" and then "I will wait until you are finished." We could not determine if he was being polite or slightly annoyed that we were talking during his program. However, the one thing we could determine is that he was using his DVD player the same way David uses his DVR. Oh, the many things we model for our children.

Jonah seems very happy to be back home today. However, pulling into our driveway was quite interesting yesterday. Jonah was very convinced that our house was "that way" (pointing his finger to the west). That was not even the direction of the beach so it was quite confusing. He is still asking me if he is going to be able to go find ghost crabs with buckaw later tonight but other than that I believe he is adjusting to being back home.

I do believe that my boys have grown up even over the past week. Judah looks so much bigger and he is rolling ALL over the place. I am not sure he will be in a huge hurry to crawl because he gets around quite rapidly rolling everywhere. Jonah, on the other hand, keeps pulling out funny phrases like "I am too shy", "I don't like when you___(fill in the blank with anything you can think of)". This past week Jonah was forced to sleep in a big boy bed because that is all that was available to us at the beach house. We also only took one stuffed animal with us even though he sleeps with 5. Last night, Jonah asked me to take the animals out of his bed for the night and he wanted them to sleep in the toy box. He did ask for them immediately when he woke up this morning, however, he wanted them back in the toy box when he took his afternoon nap. It sure is cute but it does seem to mean that he is outgrowing them all of a sudden. I wonder if he is also going to outgrow sucking his finger that quickly. I could only hope that it will be that easy!

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