Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Micah...

I have never really been great with dates. And for some reason, I thought that the 10th was Tuesday. That is, until I made my last post and saw that it came up as January 10th... Ugh, a sick feeling in my stomach. I thought that I might have a little of that feeling on Tuesday but since I wasn't prepared, I think it just hit me a little harder than I was expecting.

Recently, I have been thinking a lot about Micah David. His last name was going to be Smith but it ended up being Wilson. Four years ago today, after only being "activated" in the adoption process for 5 short days, David and I were thrilled to receive the call that we had been chosen by a birth mother to adopt her son. We received the call as she was being taken into surgery for her c-section. Being just 4 months after the death of our daughter, David and I were concerned about moving too fast into the adoption process. However, when we learned that there were several babies soon to be born with our agency and only a few families willing to adopt, we decided that the timing was determined for us. All along, we knew that our main goal was to provide a family to a child in need of one. Micah was that child and we quickly became his family.

I will never forget the excitement that came over us when we received the call. David and I were both getting ready for work. I was so thrown off that I put cleaning solution in my eye as I was attempting to put in my contacts. That didn't even put a slight damper on the mood however. David and I quickly cleared our schedule and hopped into the car to drive to Wishard Hospital in Indy where we would wait only a brief time before being ushered into the nursery to meet Micah for the first time. We adored him immediately. He was gorgeous and to see him laying there so peaceful was a bit overwhelming. The nurses allowed me to hold him right away. We named him and I fed him his first bottle. It was all surreal to say the least. It was wonderful and beautiful and so special. David and I were thrilled and our hearts were so open to loving this precious little guy who needed a family...We loved him immediately.
Today is Micah's 4th birthday. I can't help but think about him and wonder what he is doing. I pray for him...that he is taken care of, that he is loved fully, that he is happy, that the time we spent with him made a difference in who he becomes, and that the people around him demonstrate the love of Jesus to him. I hope he is having a wonderful birthday. Happy Birthday little guy! Man, my heart aches for you and wishes so badly that I could hug you and kiss you and celebrate this day with you.

1 comment:

  1. I can barely handle reading this. I still have your pictures in my wallet and Delayna found them a little while back and asked who you all were. I was instantly struck by the grief I felt for you all years ago and through the lump in my throat, I told her your names and then prayed for him and you both. I clearly remembered praying over Micah at your shower when I got to hold him...thinking I would get to see God answer all those prayers for his little life. Now I know there is no greater trust or love than letting him be in God's hands and fulling believing The Father will be faithful to take care of this gift. I know there were so many prayers lifted for that adorable little guy and I wonder if that's why he was placed with you before he had to be moved to his birth father. (I still have no idea why God has allowed that to be part of the plan.) I'm convinced Micah was covered in prayer and will be protected from some of life's worst because he was a part of your family, if even for just a short time, and he probably wouldn't have been covered like that without you and all those who met him. I believe it's just like God to love Micah enough to place him with you so someone could be lifting him to the Lord throughout his life for care, protection and salvation in the moments when he will need it the most...and it is just like God to love you enough to continue to bring you all to the healing that is needed from the experience He allowed. I'm so thankful you were able to celebrate his birthday and I know your prayers for him will be heard throughout his life. It's exactly what he'll need and exactly how God will continue to use you in Micah's life. Tons of love and prayers from me!
