Sunday, January 10, 2010

Experiences with a Bunk Bed

I am not quite sure I realized how exciting a bunk bed would be for Jonah. I guess I should have realized with the anticipation that has been building over the last few weeks that the addition to his bedroom would be life changing for him. But I guess I was a bit naive.

The Boys' bunk bed (compliments of Buckaw Smith and Gill Brothers Furniture) arrived on the snowiest day of the season, Thursday. We were all a bit concerned that the weather may keep the delivery men away but they braved the misery and assembled the bed in an amazingly short period of time. Jonah could hardly contain himself when he saw the finished product. He was immediately up the ladder and onto the top bunk taunting Judah with "You can't get me. You can't get me." A beautiful vision of things to come. The first day Jonah napped in his new bed, well....he didn't actually end up napping. Because my motherly anxiety moved me to ask David to remove the ladder for the time-being, Jonah decided that he needed to find an alternative path to the top bunk. David entered the room by the time Jonah was over halfway up the end of the bed. After talking with Jonah about "bunk bed safety", David tucked Jonah back into his bed and left the room. Shortly following, David heard more stirring in the room only to walk in and find Jonah standing on top of his new nearly 5 foot high dresser. I guess that the climbing bug had gotten into him. Two days later, we still cannot figure out how exactly he reached the top of the dresser. But now we have had to cover the topic of "dresser safety". Nonetheless, Jonah continues to be excited about the new bed and cannot wait until Judah is big enough to sleep in the bottom so that Jonah has to move to the top. I, on the other hand, am quite glad that that day is at least a year away. On a side note, it was too sweet early today when Jonah wanted to crawl into Judah's crib while he was napping to lay with him for a while. Moments like that remind me that Jonah is still caught between being a little guy and a big boy.

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