Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Big Boy Day

Today is a big day in the Smith House. David and I have been moving some things around in the house and sort of on a "spur of a moment" decision, we chose to move the single bed from the playroom to the boys room...which means that we moved Jonah's crib out! Maybe it wasn't the wisest decision, but we made the switch just before afternoon nap time. Yes, Jonah thought that it was pretty cool that he is significantly closer to Judah's crib and he took the first part of nap time to attempt to entertain Judah by jumping up and down on the big boy bed. Jonah also thought that it was his responsibility (as the oldest) to make Judah lay down when the poor thing was just popping his head up to see what all of the excited jumping was about. After about a 20 minute show, Judah had had enough and was really ready to sleep. I had a big boy talk with Jonah which seemed to work because he was asleep within just a few minutes after I left the room again. They have now been asleep for almost 2 hours!

I am not so sure how I feel about the evidence that my boys are growing up. Not only is there one less crib in the nursery, but i have even removed the swing and activity mat out of the house because Judah is officially too mobile for them. He is incredibly close to crawling. He is actually getting around quite quickly via the "army crawl" but he seems to be really working on his strength to accomplish the true crawl.

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