Thursday, March 4, 2010

Seriously Judah?!

On at least an every other day basis, I find myself saying those words out loud...SERIOUSLY Judah? Usually followed by another, SERIOUSLY?! That kid...he is adorable, incredibly cuddly, loving, energetic, and daring. Yesterday, David described him as 'fearless' and I would have to agree. Unless I am constantly on Judah's heels (which is nearly impossible), he finds something new and exciting to occupy him. He is quite self-sufficient. I guess I should be grateful for that? He has learned to open the cabinets and get out the Cheerios when he needs a snack. He crawls into the fridge and finds his way to a drink or whatever else looks interesting. If he sees something that looks good on top of the table, he quickly climbs up to get it. The other night, I had just told Jonah that after he brushed his teeth, he could get a drink of water from the kitchen. Shortly after that, I heard the crunching of David's plastic water bottle in the kitchen. David got there before I did and told me that I needed to come quickly to see what Judah was up to. There in the kitchen, Judah was standing in the second drawer up from the floor helping himself to a drink of water (just as I had directed Jonah to do). Self-sufficient...that's fine. Fearless... I'm not so sure I like that. It doesn't help that Judah is not the most graceful of kids. Though he has been walking for nearly 4 months, some days he falls so many times that you would think he was just learning to take his first steps. He regularly has bruises on his head and last week he even a nice bloody lip. He just keeps going though...self-sufficient and determined. I am thinking that one of these days that combo will play itself out well? Maybe?

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